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Your Research Companion

Practicing Research Integrity

Now that you have an understanding of what research integrity is and why it is important, it is time to learn how to practice it. Although practicing research integrity may initially appear straightforward, the concept itself can remain somewhat abstract. Presented below are guiding principles to bear in mind, ensuring that your research adheres to the ethical and authentic standards expected in academic research: 

  1. Honesty and Truthfulness
    One must be honest and truthful in all aspects of their work, including data collection, analysis, and reporting. This means it is vital to avoid fabricating, falsifying or plagiarizing data, and other practices as such which undermine the integrity of the entire research process. 

  2. Transparency
    Clear documentation and disclosure of all methodologies, procedures and materials used in the research must be made to help others verify the findings of your research. Doing so enhances the credibility of research and fosters open communication within the academic community.

  3. Objectivity
    While it may be difficult, it is important for you as a researcher to approach your research with impartiality and objectivity, minimizing personal biases and conflicts of interest that could compromise the integrity of the study. Findings should be presented objectively without distorting or selectively reporting data to support a particular viewpoint.

  4. Respect for Intellectual Property
    In the academic community, it is of utmost importance to acknowledge and respect the intellectual property rights of others by citing sources appropriately and avoiding plagiarism. This pertains to ideas, quotes, images, or any other content referenced in your research that is known to you via another resource. All such content deserves due credit to recognize the contributions of others in the field.

  5. Care and Respect for Participants
    When involving human subjects in research, obtain informed consent, ensuring participants understand the purpose, risks, and benefits of the study. Protect the confidentiality and privacy of participants by handling sensitive information with care.

  6. Accountability and Reflexivity
    Take responsibility for your actions and decisions throughout the research process. It is essential to address and rectify errors promptly, maintaining a commitment to continuous improvement and learning. 

    This sense of responsibility goes hand-in-hand with reflexivity — a quality that ensures researchers are aware of their positionality in conducting research. Regardless of the nature of your research, always be conscious of your socioeconomic and cultural standing during the research process and understand how this awareness may influence your findings. This integrated approach contributes to a cohesive and ethical research practice.

By internalizing and embodying these principles, you contribute to the cultivation of a culture of research integrity within the academic community, fostering the advancement of knowledge and the credibility of scientific inquiry.

Additional Resources

Sources Used

Carling, J. (2020). Research ethics and research integrity, MIGNEX Handbook Chapter 4 (v2). Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo.

University of Edinburgh. (2021, November 3). The University of Edinburgh. What is research integrity?  

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