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Your Research Companion

Informing Your Participants

It is incredibly important that all research participants are voluntarily part of your study, and that they fully understand what it is that is required of them and what will happen to them. This is why it is crucial to inform them to the greatest extent in any study. In case participants are fully anonymous in the research, a signature is not required of them – but it is still best to give them as much information as possible.

Information about the research must have at least these elements:

  1. Description of the study aim, method, and possibly even the expected results,

  2. Description and extent of their participation,

  3. Compensation (if applicable),

  4. A description of how their data is handled, protected, and preserved in the future,

  5. The participant’s rights (especially that they can be informed, have access to their data, and request to be excluded from the research at any point),

  6. Contact details to the research team where they can ask questions.

It is very important that every participant feels safe during the research and are encouraged to ask questions. It is your (the researcher’s) responsibility to make sure they are fully informed and aware of their rights as well as responsibilities. Informed consent forms must be signed when the full anonymity of the participants cannot be guaranteed, when personal data is collected, and/or when the participation can have physical or emotional risks.

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