Your Research Companion
Data Management
When you conduct academic research, you collect, use, store, share and archive research data, for instance, from experiments, survey results and interviews. Studying at a university, you have entered an academic community that values transparent and safe data management. Proper research data management (RDM) allows you to use the data in a transparent and safe way to tell your story.
Knowing the RDM principles helps you plan how to manage your data through the whole research cycle, how to store your data in a safe manner and keep it reusable by other researchers who, for instance, want to replicate results. When handling research data, researchers should consider ethical issues, comply with the law, and avoid social and personal harm to participants.
The following sections will guide you through a summary of the most important aspects of RDM. For more information, you can visit the Tilburg University LibGuide on Data Management: